The Ultimate Guide to Procrastination


Hello everyone! You may be wondering, “Why is Haakon writing this blog post on Christmas Eve Eve? Shouldn’t he be spending time with his family?” The answer is yes, I should be spending time with my family, and I am. However, I put off writing this post for so long that I had no choice but to sit down and crank this out while looking over the beautiful, blue water of the Florida Keys. How did we get to this point?

What is procrastination?

Wikipedia defines procrastination as “the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished by a certain deadline.” Therefore, the action step is simple: if something needs to be done, don’t do it. Do you have a big presentation that you need to get done by Friday? Meh, worry about that later. Do you have a blog post that was due on December 11th? You can finish that another time. The premise of procrastination is simple, but there are several ways you can spice up your dilly-dallying skills. Here are a few different kinds of procrastination.

Classic Procrastination

Basic procrastination consists of putting off something important until it is absolutely necessary to complete it. An example of this could be waiting until the day before a project to rush through and get it put together. I spoke with self-described “Master Procrastinator” Jonas Gulbrandsen who told me about a time he procrastinated. “I was assigned a project that was due in a month,” Jonas told me. “I put the whole thing off until after I came back from hunting. I started it the day before we had to hand it in and finished it the day it had to be done.” This brings us to the next type of procrastination.

Hardcore Procrastination

Hardcore procrastination is slightly more advanced. Instead of worrying about completing a paper the night before it is due, you finish the whole thing on the day of. No late nights for you. You’ve got all morning to get it done. However, we can turn this dial up to eleven.

Extreme Procrastination

Extreme procrastination is not for the faint of heart. Forget about late nights or productive mornings. You haven’t lived until you’ve done your homework as the teacher is collecting it. This only works for fairly short assignments, though, like worksheets. Even so, this method is very risky, and doing so successfully is quite an accomplishment.

Procrastination Apologetics

If you speak with a procrastinator, you are bound to hear some sort of defense for their dilatory behavior.

“I was too busy. I had so much other work to do.”

Real procrastination involves putting off something important by doing something that is utterly pointless. Should I study for my final, or should I learn how to write the letter “G” in calligraphy on YouTube?

“I wait until the last minute because I will be older, and therefore wiser.”

The logic is pretty solid on this one. I don’t have much to say about that.

Further Procrastination Education

Procrastination is such a common problem that almost everyone falls into its grasp at one point or another. Here is an amazing TED talk that explains procrastion really well. I highly recommend that you watch it if you haven’t seen it before. It is hilarious and extremely well done.

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